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How To Write A Script

Learn the principles of scriptwriting in this weekend intensive. By the end of the course you'll have learned about script format, character, dialogue, and other important elements of drama. You'll have all the tools you need to write a short play or short film. Taught by playwright Elizabeth Avery Scott.

When - Weekend Intensive:

Friday 7th February 7:00pm-9:30pm

Saturday 8th February 9:30am-4:30pm

Sunday 9th February 9:30am-4:30pm

Where:  Studio 2, Perform Australia, 2A Barker St Griffith, ACT 2603


For: ​Aspiring writers, people interested in writing plays and films. Minimum age 16.

Cost: $395

Yes, you can write a script!

Do you have an amazing story idea that should be on the silver screen or playing at a theatre near you?

The playscript and screenplay require particular storytelling structures that will be unpacked for you by playwright and Perform Australia co-founder, Elizabeth Avery Scott, in this wonderful weekend intensive course. 

You'll learn about:

  • Script as form: understand the formatting conventions of the play and screenplay, and how they differ from other forms of writing 

  • The conditions for writing: how to get into the headspace where you're generating ideas, able to focus, and churn out words on a page

  • Character: how to build your ensemble of characters within your story, and know whose story it is that you're telling

  • Structure: how to structure your play or screenplay so the story flows and is understood by your audience

  • Genre: how to place your work within a genre, and work to the audiences expectations

  • Dialogue: how to write for the spoken word - as if your characters are speaking in real life

  • Editing: how to pare back and refine your script after you've spilled everything you can think of onto the page

  • Opportunities: where you can take your script after it's written. 


Whether you're looking to write a short film, or see your story play out on stage, you'll walk away from this workshop with a stronger understanding of storytelling technique for both mediums. 


If you love writing - whether that's poetry, essays, short stories, blogs or other content - this course is an excellent way to adapt your skills to a new and exciting medium. 

About your tutor

Elizabeth Avery Scott

Elizabeth is CEO of Perform Australia and holds a Master of Arts in Scriptwriting, among other qualifications. She has had 13 plays produced in Canberra, Sydney, and Brisbane, and has also written three short films. Some of her recent theatre credits include Dangerous Conceits (2024), The Mysterious Tale of the Mary-Celeste (2024), The Getting of Wisdom (2023), The Thing That's Missing (2023) and Sanity (2020).  She was nominated for the prestigious Rodney Seaborn Playwrights Award in 2009. 

Elizabeth Avery Scott.jpg

Reasons to do this course

1 / Your tutor knows what's she's talking about.

You'll enjoy hearing from Elizabeth, as Perform Australia's co-founder. She is an experienced writer and teacher. 

2 / You'll cover all the material in a single weekend. 

You'll learn everything you need - and be ready to start your big project on Monday (if not before)!

3 / You'll meet like-minded individuals.

Ever been in a room of writers? You'll have lots to talk about! This course is a chance to meet other aspiring scriptwriters keen to hear your ideas.

4 / You'll tap into your creativity.

You'll learn writing techniques as well as how to generate fresh ideas. 

5/ You'll feel confident to write your script.  

Our goal is that by the end of the course you'll know exactly how to go about writing a script. How great is that?

Perform Australia has a very supportive environment. You are always encouraged to grow into the best version of yourself. Through your studies, you work with a range of tutors which prepares you well for the industry. Great school! 

Zoe, Canberra

Ready to enrol?




1. I understand that by signing up to this course I am committing to attend all scheduled classes.


2. I agree to pay all my fees before the course begins, unless a payment plan is otherwise arranged with the office (phone 1300 908 905).


3. If I begin attending a weekend course, and I withdraw from the course mid-way through, or do not return for a second day of training, I understand that I am not entitled to a refund for the remainder of the course.


4. If, due to unforeseen circumstances, such as tutor illness, a course needs to be postponed, Perform Australia will make every effort to contact me in advance to ask whether I would like a refund, or to transfer my enrolment to a new course date.


5. If Perform Australia cancels a program in its entirety, I understand a refund will be given to me. 


6. Refunds are not given in other circumstances. ​


Fill out the form below to register for this course.

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